Tuesday, July 15, 2008

It was terrible, I was in a meeting and we beging to talk about some subjects and Italked about the bus drivers, I said that here in Ecuador specially in Cuenca they never respect the laws of trancit, that they friendly either polite, that they are the worstthat by their fault there are a lot of accidents.
And the finish, I said thah their phisical aspect are the some, fat, dirty and things like that.
And when we left a friend told me that or Monica's father one of my friend is bus driver. I felt horrible, and I said that, I will never talk with Monica because I was so embarrased.
I always was avoiding to seee Monica after 3 days of incident, my friend told me that it was a joke, Monica's father is doctor, but for me it was a lesson, for not talk or hurt somebody.

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