Saturday, July 5, 2008

A pain in the heart

One night a child was sleeping when a small noise woke up me ... at first it was not known what was, but I realized that they were steps that were approaching his bed. He did not want to stay awake completely, even or to open the eyes since it was giving for echo that was his father or his sister that they had brought in a moment perhaps to take something of my room.

The rare thing began when those steps were never ending ... the whole moment was listening to them and he began to be afraid ... when he had this sensation the steps started feeling increasingly next to his bed and increasingly close until derrepente already they were not listened.
His stopped breathing during a good moment, still continued of backs at the edge of my room and now if that was not going away to turn round me ... it could not, it was pulled down, could not turn me, it was squeezed tight in this position.

Then there was turned round and seen an image that he was saying to him come with me
and he said to him that you are the person who has to be to my side to be able to finish with my revenge, because I want to kill and to torture each one of those who live it is this house, they are bad persons and we have to kill them.

The scared child and in shock agreed and killed his family against what he was feeling
I spend the time and it drove crazy and began to kill all those who saw him badly, later I win the love so much that could not kill her and killed itself, the neck was cut and was drained.


Anah said...

Wow! You are good at writing scary stories!! It scared me :)

Darwin said...

Very good history of fear, good imagination

Ma Beatriz said...

congratulations!!! you could be a writer, a feel fear when i read...